Friday, January 7, 2011

The Family Catechism

Okay, bear with me and all of this catechism talk. This is good stuff.

Today's society seems to be bent on separating the family unit. Children are away at school, fathers AND MOTHERS who work too much, hobbies and endless extra curricular activity like sports teams and music, technology like cell phones and video gaming, Facebook, I could go on and on and I am sure you could add more to the list.

Dare I say, even many churches hardly recognize the importance of nourishing the functioning, Biblical family. I am talking about the one found in Deuteronomy 6. Yes, local churches swallow the time of mother's, father's and youth in a manner that keeps them separated from worshiping, praying, meditating, witnessing with one another destroying Duet 6.

Busy-bodiness, lack of motivation or vision and a whole host of problems are tearing the Biblical family unit apart.

Doug Phillips of Vision Forum ministries has shared a great idea that he practices with his family to foster their unit and togetherness. He has developed a family catechism. Now, keep in mind that his family catechism can be changed and updated as the Lord shapes and hones them in their faith and vision. Most importantly, it will not replace their theological Catechism which is designed to help them know and love Christ more which is their first priority.

Their family catechism merely highlights what he calls their "family idiosyncrasies". Their unique calling and specific mission as a family and how it fits into God's master plan.

In his words: "I do believe that family catechisms are timely, beneficial, and wise. They represent a legitimate attempt to further implement the discipleship commands of Deuteronomy 6, Proverbs and elsewhere, by formalizing the godly instruction priorities of fathers for their children into pithy, terse maxims that will be remembered by the children and can be passed on for generations."

Find his tutorial here:
The Family Catechism

Here are a few examples:
Question #2:
What is the strategic mission
of the Phillips family?

To defend the crown
rights of Christ in our
wicked generation by
advancing the Kingdom of
God in every area of life,
and by fighting for the
Christian family.

Question# 4:
Who do the Phillip's fear?

Phillipses fear God, but
Phillipses fear no man. For
the wicked flee when no
man pursueth, but the
righteous are bold as a

Question # 13:
What lifetime Scripture goal
has your father set before you?

To read God's Word everyday.

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