Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Scripture Memory Marathon

Scripture memorization has been something that I have been convicted about for some time. Our family is simply not spending enough time and effort on this. I am not talking about this one mile memorization like Awana level stuff. I am hoping to move beyond that to the marathon memorization of the early Protestant children who knew the entire NT and much of the OT. They were called Protestants because they were equipped to protest unbiblical practices and oppression using the Scripture that they had literally hidden in their hearts.

Knowing this history, today's modern Protestants must face the reality that we are hiding in our hearts a pathetic smidgen of what the Lord has made us capable. What is worse, it shows in the way we live out our lives and defend the faith.

A failing review on the Smith family:

At the current time, we are in the process of memorizing the Shorter Catechism with Scripture proofs, and Catherine is memorizing Psalms 139 while Alexey is memorizing Proverbs 31 and about to begin Genesis 1 and 2. Our biggest problem is that we memorize passages, yet seem to forget them when we begin new passages. We stop reviewing what we have learned.

As a remedy, I need a system for reviewing and keeping the Scriptures fresh in long term memory. I am going try this Scripture Memory System. It is cheap and easy to impliment. The only obstacle will be consistency which will be on us. We invite your prayers as we train for this Scripture memory marathon.

If you are interested in Scripture memory too, I want to recommend Hannah's Hundreds. We memorized 100 verses of James with ease.

Also, I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas.

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